Among all architects Palladio was undoubtedly one of the most influential. He designed and built many beautiful edifices such as the Villa Capra “la Rotonda” in Vicenza and the Church of the Redentore in Venice. In this well-illustrated book, Palladio stated his theory and design of architecture which was derived from classics through Vitruvius and Alberti. His architectural design had profound influence in Europe and the U.S.A. not only through works of architecture but also through this book.
Palladio’s book established an architectural style called Palladianism. Its first exponent was Inigo Jones, the initiator of this style in England, who added numerous commentaries which were included and published in the English edition of this book by Leoni in 1715. Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States and an influential amateur architect, influenced by this Leoni edition, set a style for official architecture in the U.S.A. under Palladianism.