
Kanazawa Institute of Technology


Science and Engineering Ethics for Future


~ A Solution for the Social Needs ~

Implementation Plan

AY2017/Establishment of implementation and operation structure of the project

Start research activities on four study subjects at the “Applied Ethics Center for Engineering and Science”. Begin discussions on the details of branding strategy such as specific nature of outgoing communication for stakeholders and their delivery method. In addition, a committee is to be established to promote the research activities and branding strategy, and structural preparation taking also into account the PDCA cycle will be organized.

  • Launch study group with private companies
  • Publication of research outcomes in professional journal, etc. (cumulative total: 1)
  • Publication on homepage
  • Production of a pamphlet
  • Implementation of self-assessment and external evaluation

AY2018/Research activities and commencement of disseminating the branding messages

In addition to continuing to work on the study subjects, promote academic-industry partnership, launching a study group by inviting private companies. As for the execution of branding strategy, distribute the pamphlets to stakeholders such as high-school teachers, open a special website, explore the production of a PR booklet and so on.

  • Publication of research outcomes in professional journal, etc.(cumulative total: 3)
  • Convene a study group (cumulative total: 4)
  • Launch a specialized website
  • Explore production of a PR booklet
  • Implementation of self-assessment and external evaluation

AY2019/Continuation of research activities, dissemination of the branding messages, and implementation of interim examination

Continue to work on the study subjects. Interim examination will be conducted on the progress of research projects and state of making publicly available research outcomes as well as conducting a trial of the teaching material package, preparing a plan to host a panel discussion and to present the research findings at academic conferences. As for the execution of branding strategy, continue PR activities to the stakeholders such as high-school teachers and produce a PR booklet.

  • Publication of research outcomes in professional journal, etc.(cumulative total: 6)
  • Convene a study group (cumulative total: 10)
  • Production of a PR booklet
  • Implementation of self-assessment and external evaluation

AY2020/Continuation of research activities, dissemination of the branding messages, and adjustments

While continuing to work on the study subjects, efforts will be made to make research outcomes publicly available. Embark on developing teaching material package and collating research findings of the study group in order to advance an exploration for teaching method. As for the branding strategy, review of the project activities will be conducted based on the findings of the self-assessment and external evaluation.

  • Publication of research outcomes in professional journal, etc. (cumulative total: 9)
  • Convene a study group (cumulative total: 16)
  • Implementation of self-assessment and external evaluation

AY2021/Final evaluation and self-assessment post the project completion for future development

Self-assessment will be carried out, collating overall results from the project. Research findings will be widely published on the ideal form of ethics for scientists and engineers that are relevantly connected with, and sought in, the real world. Publication of research outcomes in professional journal, etc.

  • Publication of research outcomes in professional journal, etc. (cumulative total: 12)
  • Convene a study group (cumulative total: 22)
  • Self-assessment